Thursday, April 28, 2011
A Talk for YOU?
We have been allocated 30 free seats to a talk titled "Perangi Kerintangan Ubat-Ubatan Bertindak Hari Ini Untuk Penawar Masa Depan" organised by the International Youth Centre KL in conjunction with Hari Kesihatan Sedunia. Details as below :
Date : Tuesday, 10th May 2011
Time : 7:30 pm
Venue : Dewan Kampo, Pusat Belia Antarabangsa
For further info/details, please refer to the attachment enclosed.
If you are interested, kindly let me know by 8th May 2011. Any other expenses incurred is at your own cost.
Thanks & regards
Nani Taha
Nani Taha
Office Administrator
AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia
40 A Jalan SS22/21, Damansara Jaya
Petaling Jaya, 47400 Selangor
Tel: +603 77224866 / 77254966
Fax: +603 77253966 / 77221105
Saturday, April 23, 2011
AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia 1st Idea Spinners Meeting: Intercultural Learning, Training and Beyond
As part of our strategic plan in developing AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia as the regional intercultural learning hub in Asia, we are inviting motivated returnees and members of AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia to come join us in the inaugural Idea Spinners Meeting on May 20th-May 22nd at Quality Hotel Shah Alam. The theme for the first Idea Spinners Meeting is "Intercultural Learning, Training and Beyond". This 3 day event aims to get together the best minds within our organization to plan, develop and execute trainings and modules that would tap into our expertise in intercultural learning and push forward the organization to beyond intercultural exchanges.
We are looking for highly motivated individuals to attend this meeting in May with the following qualities:-
1) Passionate about developing modules with the ability to follow through the development and execution of the modules
2) Team player and ability to work with other highly energized individuals
3) Willing to sacrifice your time to help drive AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia to higher levels
With your participation in the Idea Spinners Meeting, we promise you the following:-
1) Your chance to be a change agent within the organization
2) Opportunity to work with people with diverse talents and skills both locally and internationally
3) Develop your intercultural communication skills
4) Working with individuals who are equally as passionate about intercultural learning such as yourself
5) Recognition in the modules you have developed
If you think you are up for the challenge, kindly fill in the following form before the 6th May and we will get back to you by the 13th May to inform you on the results. Limited space is available so why wait? This is your chance to contribute and we would love to hear from you. The link for application is:-
However, if you are unable to make it to the meeting and would like to contribute, kindly fill in the form and also indicate that you are unable to make it to the meeting this time. We will try to absorb you into different workgroups based on your skill sets and interest.
As a reminder, closing date is by 6th May 2011.
Thank you.
The Idea Spinners Team
Monday, April 4, 2011
Suitcase of Memories in Italy

18 December 2010 is an unforgettable date for me. All of us (32 Malaysian students) had actually step foot in Rome after the 13hours+ ride in the airplane. We were greeted with warm welcome by the AFS volunteers. All of us were so excited plus crazy that time as we had made our first Italian friends with those volunteers as soon as we meet up at the airport. The volunteers then took us to the arrival orientation camp in a hotel at Rome and we had so much fun throughout the camp. I can still remember the following morning as we including two of our friends from South Africa experience our first white snow in Rome. We were like monkeys non-stop taking picture with the snow without wearing any winter jacket and the temperature was like almost 0˚C. Mamma Mia! E molto freddo (Very cold)! I almost caught the flu that day.

My relationship with my host family and the people in my town is one of the important part in my experience. I was welcomed with incredible hospitality by the people at Cassine as soon as I first arrived. Not to mention my host family but many of the people of Cassine gathered and prepared a welcome feast for me. And that is the first time I ate my host mom homemade meal. To be straight forward, my host mom and my sister are great cookers. Thanks to it because now I can eventually cook many kinds of Italian meal and dessert, including lasagna which I like the most!
The following morning, I was in the local newspaper. Throughout my home stay at Italy, I was visited by quite a number of people. First is a doctor (my host sister friend) from Peru who celebrate Christmas Eve and New Years Eve together with the family. And another one is a girl (a friend of mine) from Malaysia. Their appearances during my home stay in Cassine really turn-out to be an unforgettable memory for me which I can't really describe it one by one.