On 31st July, AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia held its first ever JENESYS Selection Camp in Hotel Maluri, Kuala Lumpur. The overnight camp, consisting of some 100 nervously excited student candidates was run by a dedicated team of 8 alumni members.

The alumni members did the camp module with the participants with activities such as Talent Time and Malaysia Through My Eyes presentations, fun energizer games like Untangle Me, My Bonnie, Big Fat Pony and Daruma-san ga Koronda. The campers also enjoyed the Commercial performances put up by the very creative bunch of students who displayed a multitude of talents and laughter inducing abilities. Everyone present had laughed so hard so much in this camp we had to wipe away tears.

However throughout the entire sessions on the other side of the fun door, was the solemn interviewers' room. One by one the candidates were pulled out of the fun door and waited patiently for their turn to enter the interviewer's room to be interrogated of their abilities, confidence, personality and credibility. Many of the student candidates displayed admirable graciousness as they wished each other good luck for the interview through hugs and handshakes.
This selection camp was also geared to be an avenue for the AFS Malaysia Alumni to help train up the younger volunteers in the ins and outs of running AFS camps. Young volunteers Marina Abdullah, Nina, Amanda and Haiqal were given responsibilities and full guidance under the watchful eyes of the older ones Suraya Zainuddin, Chia Suyin, Khoo Hsien Yew, Syant Alias and Eric Yoh. They proved to be able to stand their own ground (much to our joy!) and the Alumni would be looking forward to putting them to work more often! :D

At the end of the two days, camp commandant Suraya could not help but laud heaps of praises for the student candidates, saying,
"Considering this is the first ever JENESYS Selection Camp, things counldn't have run more smoothly. The Form 3 and Form 4 kids were generally well-behaved and polite, and their excitement is obvious, its infections to all of us old timers. I was most surprised by the puntuality of it all. Despite the early hours, the hotel's infamous hard to find location, the number of students AND parents, no one was late for registration and sessions! It must be a first!"Well done everybody! To the JENESYS Selection camp kids, we give you the best of lucks and are looking forward to seeing you at the pre-departure orientation in December. Till then, study hard and stop Facebooking so much =)
p/s. pictures will be up on the blog shortly. Keep tuning in!