Thursday, November 25, 2010
People to People International Peace Camp

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Learn to Sign the AFS Song
Oh, silly me. Of course you do.
BUT, do you know HOW TO SIGN the AFS Song?
Bet you don't!
But no worries, Farhan and Tim is here to show us all how!
Join us in Paradise!
How does Paradise sound to you?
Cool breeze, straw hats, shady coconut trees as you listen to the gentle crashing of the waves against the sandy beach. Ohhhh YES. Now we're talking!
After a year-long worth of hard work, hectic schedules, stressful days and deadly deadlines. Paradise sounds exactly like what you need right now, don't you agree?
The time have come yet again for YOU, YES YOU, to be recognized and pampered for your efforts and contributions towards the AFS common goal. We are delighted to host the AFS Returnee and Volunteer Camp 2010 to give a chance for us to meet and bond again at the Corus Paradise Hotel, Port Dickson.
However, you have to be quick in confirmation as alas, we have only 40 spots available. Gasp!
This event is OPEN TO RETURNEES AND VOLUNTEERS OF ALL AGES in Malaysia, no age limit attached!
Given the sheer number of AFS volunteers, we suggest you email Kuhan at kuhan.chelvanathan@afs.org
Below is the information regarding the event:
Date : 10th - 12th December 2010
Venue : Corus Paradise Hotel, Port Dickson
Attendees : AFS Returnees & AFS Volunteers (no age limit)
Fee : RM 30.00
RSVP Date : By the 17th Nov 2010 (first come first serve basis!)
So how about it? Come join us in Paradise, party by the beach with your friends and let your hair down. Grab your swimming gear, cameras and your glamorous self and come on board for a fantabulously good time!
Friday, October 29, 2010
English Enrichment Programme with YES
In an effort to foster relationships between the AFS Returnee and the YES Alumni, SK Taman Keramat, Gombak has invited us to conduct an English Enrichment Program at their school this 3rd of November (Wednesday).
So here's your chance to give back to the society!
Drop your names and contact numbers to Jim Chua (jim91_dc@yesalumni.afs.org.my) or contact him via FB. He'd be very happy to hear from you and share further details with you :)
Then you can be like,

Ok. Just kidding.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
AYA Performance Updates!
Location is yet to be confirmed, but it will definitely be within Klang Valley/KL area.
See you there at the rehearsals!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
AYA Awards Performance
Firstly, what is the AYA?
AYA stands for the Asian Youth Ambassadors (AYA), a non-profit youth organization whose mission is to nurture young people to be the best that they can be and to be of service to others.
What about the Awards thingy?
The AYA Awards was set up back in 2005, to acknowledge, reward and further encourage good work and deeds by Malaysian Youth.
Okay...so what does it have to do with AFS Mas Alumni?
Wah! I can't believe you don't know this! Last year the AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia was awarded the Youth Friendly Company of 2009 by AYA.

Why we won?
Because we're awesome-lah. What else?
(Okay so there IS much more depth to that answer, but it all boils down to because we're awesome to begin with :D)
Oraits! Now that we know what the background story is between AYA Awards and AFS Mas Alumni, lets talk about the important part of this blog-post. *drumroll please*

AFS Malaysia is invited to perform at the 6th AYA Awards Night at Malaysia's Heritage Building on the 7th November 2010 (Sunday)
Therefore, we are looking for YOU to be involved in the performances! The National Office would like to suggest that we returnees can collaborate with our hosted students to perform a combination of 5 Malaysian traditional dance: the Zapin Melayu, Indian Candle Dance, Chinese Fan Dance, Sabahan Bamboo Dance and the Sarawakian Ngajat Dance.
The Finale will be a sign language performance of the AFS Song.
Dance practice is scheduled to start on 24th October until 4th November 2010. So if you would like to be INVOLVED, please do send us a mail at suyin.chia@volunteer.afs.org.my
If you want to read more about the AYA Awards, log on to AYA Awards Website. And while you're there, browse around and send in your votes for THIS YEAR's 2010 finalist for all categories! Get involved today!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Annual General Meeting

We would like to thank all who took the time and effort to exercise participate in this year's AGM and have exercised your right to vote as an AFS member. For *those who were unable to make it this time around, there is always next year so make sure you come!

The AFS Alumni President Chong Cheng Yee and Vice-President Suraya Zainuddin both expressed their heartfelt appreciations to the National Office for including the Alumni within their ranks of discussions. The AFS Alumni is looking forward to continuing our strive in doing our very best in helping to anticipate the needs of AFS Chapters as well as provide help in volunteer support as needed. We hope to serve well in our goal to develop a reserve of well-informed, all rounded volunteers in the future.
Till then,
* voting privileges only comes with the official AFS membership (RM20 for 2 years or RM300 for lifetime). Please call the national office @ 03 77224866 / 77254966 for more details.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
5th National Volunteer Conference CHINA

AFS Malaysia Alumni would like to congratulate our President Ms. Chong Cheng Yee, for attending the 5th National Volunteer Conference in Beijing, China from the 16 to 19 July 2010. Representing AFS Malaysia, Cheng Yee brought with her the experience of her volunteering days to the conference, meeting with key AFS colleagues, volunteers and representatives from the local chapters of China.
We are sure that her memorable trip has added unto her vast experience in leadership and faithful volunteering with AFS, especially as the helm of our AFS Malaysia Alumni ship, yet again.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Mission Zoopossible: Accomplished!
At approximately 0830, the 46 Alumni warriors, armed with nothing but a bright orange volunteer sticker on their chests, puppy eyes, shovels, brushes and brooms spread out in groups of 5 to various stations to begin battle. Fighting the bleeding smell, the dust and dirt, sweat, sore body parts, pesky flies and raw fishes, the warriors cleaned away in the background whilst the wild animals entertained the paying crowd in the foreground to prevent suspicion of the grueling fight behind in the cages.

Some had to pick up poop and sweep the floor the whole day. Some hacked and chainsawed away in the kitchen to prepare basketful of food for the hungry animals.

Leading the warrior army at the front of the battlefield was Iron Lady Yelena Ramli, followed by Iron Lady Suraya and Iron Lady Cheng Yee, who united the warriors and made them work enthusiastically by providing direction and a scrumptious variety of food while lavishing each one with heaps of praises for jobs well done. They even broadcasted the backbreaking efforts of the Alumni warriors to the Malaysian world through THE STAR and NST (click on it!)
At exactly 1600 the Alumni warriors regrouped and declared victory over the Zoo Negara with zero casualties to both human and animals alike. There was a huge celebration of food eating and many a random photo-taking sessions followed by the Alumni Warriors being duly rewarded for their efforts with the presentation of certificates. Thus the fight had ended, the battle was won. Mission Zoopossible: Accomplished!

Saturday, August 7, 2010
JENESYS Selection Camp

However throughout the entire sessions on the other side of the fun door, was the solemn interviewers' room. One by one the candidates were pulled out of the fun door and waited patiently for their turn to enter the interviewer's room to be interrogated of their abilities, confidence, personality and credibility. Many of the student candidates displayed admirable graciousness as they wished each other good luck for the interview through hugs and handshakes.
This selection camp was also geared to be an avenue for the AFS Malaysia Alumni to help train up the younger volunteers in the ins and outs of running AFS camps. Young volunteers Marina Abdullah, Nina, Amanda and Haiqal were given responsibilities and full guidance under the watchful eyes of the older ones Suraya Zainuddin, Chia Suyin, Khoo Hsien Yew, Syant Alias and Eric Yoh. They proved to be able to stand their own ground (much to our joy!) and the Alumni would be looking forward to putting them to work more often! :D

At the end of the two days, camp commandant Suraya could not help but laud heaps of praises for the student candidates, saying, "Considering this is the first ever JENESYS Selection Camp, things counldn't have run more smoothly. The Form 3 and Form 4 kids were generally well-behaved and polite, and their excitement is obvious, its infections to all of us old timers. I was most surprised by the puntuality of it all. Despite the early hours, the hotel's infamous hard to find location, the number of students AND parents, no one was late for registration and sessions! It must be a first!"
Well done everybody! To the JENESYS Selection camp kids, we give you the best of lucks and are looking forward to seeing you at the pre-departure orientation in December. Till then, study hard and stop Facebooking so much =)
p/s. pictures will be up on the blog shortly. Keep tuning in!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Zoo Negara Volunteer Programme

For the love of animals!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hey you, Smile for Change (:
Today, the YES ALUMNI MALAYSIA, would like to extend the invitation to you to the SMILE FOR CHANGE fundraiser.
All proceeds from the fundraiser will fund the operations of the Child Care Center runed by the Women's Aids Organization, which takes cares of the children of battered women. We do hope that many many of these children in need will be blessed with the event and smiles will be plentiful amongst them (: Don't you hope so too?
Further details about the Child Care Center can be found here
How about bringing a smile to a child today? Below are the details:
Date: 19th June 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 12pm - 10pm
Place: LG Rainforest, One Utama Shopping Center, Damansara Utama
Hey loved one, remember, a smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.
Hope you have a smiling day ahead too.
Monday, June 14, 2010
YES Alumni Party
The details:
Date: Friday, 18 June 2010
Time: 7:00pm-9:30pm
Location: Annexe Gallery, Central Market, Kuala Lumpur
Dresscode: Casual. It will be very relaxing and informal.
Price: FREE
We really, really hope you guys can make it, and it will be a great opportunity for us to catch up and bond. There will be performances, video presentations, and video messages from the AFS International.
You guys can RSVP by clicking on this link here
Lastly, here's a little message from the Vice President of YES Alumni, Jim Chua especially for you:
Thursday, May 20, 2010
AFS 52nd Anniversary Gala Dinner 2010
The AFS 5nd Anniversary Gala Dinner 2010 is finally here and it will be
The Gala Dinner will play host to a gathering of returnees, host families, exchange students, and friends of AFS once again for a time of laughter, catch-up sessions and lots of fun in between (lets not forget the extremely good food waiting too!)
There's going to be performances and dances brought to the table by our very own people in AFS as well, so come support your friends performing on stage okay, promise? (:
Good! So below are the details that you will need to :
Time : 7.30pm
Where : Nikko Hotel, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
Theme : Bling Bling / Dress to Kill
Ticket Prices per pax:
RM150 / RM100 (student discount)
For more information contact:
Dahnyor / Kuhan @
03-77224866 / 77254966
Now for the most important part, please follow the 4 steps below.
1. Check your calendar. Book the 5th of June so nothing last minute can EVER happen on that day.
2. Pick up the phone. Call the AFS office and ask for Dahnyor or Kuhan. Tell them you are going.
3. Put the phone down. Now pick up your handphone. Text EVERYONE you know about the Gala Dinner.
4. Go find suitable clothes to wear for the Gala Dinner. Shop if you must. (:
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
AFS YES - MAS Alumni Picnic

Busy with life and wishing you had some time to just drop all the things that demands your responsibility and attention, take a breather and just CHILLAX with friends? Well, how does a picnic sound to you right now?
Our good friends from the YES Alumni have cordially invited us from the MAS Alumni to join them for a time of fun and fellowship for their 4th YES Alumni Picnic this coming 1st of May (Saturday) in Central Park, One Utama.
4pm to 7pm!
Their selected theme this time would be America! So come dressed in anything that represent America, bring games that you played in America or even bring American food!! Yes bring real food people, as this is a pot-luck styled picnic.
So what you can do is just comment here on this post if you're interested/confirm coming. Just so we know and can look out for your AWESOME presence on the day itself (: Let us know too if you need maps/directions/recipes. Heh!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Volunteer Training to Denmark

There will be a Volunteer Training in Denmark, home to Legoland, Little Mermaid and the Aarhus Cathedral in November 2010, and we're inviting YOU, fellow volunteers, to come apply for this rare chance of a lifetime to be a part of it and represent AFS Malaysia. So what do you need to know and what do you need to do? Read on below!
Basic Information:
The training is held from Nov 5th till Nov 7th 2010. The exact city where the training is not yet known for now. AFS Volunteers from all over the world is expected to participate in this training and each to bring fresh perspectives to the table. Further training information will be provided nearing the event itself.

Volunteer Requirements:
Firstly, you need to have been actively volunteering for at least 2 years. And when we say active, we mean really quite active in volunteering. Aside from that, it doesn't matter how old you are, what gender you are, or what anything else you are (:
To apply, you will need to contact AFS Malaysia for the application procedures. Look for Kuhan. The deadline is 30th April. From then on, all applicants will be subjected to an interview by a Selection Committee. The usual stuff lah, really (:

This is what must be on everyone's mind as they read this post. So I have taken the liberty of breaking it down into two parts for you : -
What you need to pay for :
Cost of traveling to and from Denmark only (for now)
What AFS Interkultur will cover:
1. Transport within Denmark (e.g public transport, domestic travels)
2. Room and board AFS Interkultur style, that means your lodging and yummy food is provided
3. If you arrive early, AFS Interkultur will arrange for you to stay with some volunteers and experience the warm welcoming of the Danish culture there.
4. Participation fee
What else should I know?
Upon returning from this training, the volunteer is required to conduct a nationwide training on what has been learnt from this Volunteer Training. In addition, a detailed report is required from the participant with photos and learning experiences.
So tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, you know whats the next step. Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity! Remember, the deadline to apply is April 30th!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Perdik Waterfalls : Not Your Average Sunday Afternoon
Imagine the sounds and sights of nature. To be protected by the shade of huge bamboo shoots, the cool stream touching your feet while the insects sing their songs. To reach this state of bliss in paradise, a group of AFS students had to go through more than ten soiled diapers, mountains of plastic bottles and endless piles of wasted plastic bags. This is the tale of how I and my fellow comrades,”MAJLIS PERBANDARAN AFS”, cleaned up the disgustingly filthy Perdik Waterfall of Ulu Langat.
We departed rather late thanks to my tardiness. As I entered the bus that would bring us to the destination of our cleanup mission, I was disappointed by the small number of AFSers. Although we were a small group it didn’t mean we didn’t get the job done, for we accomplished great heights on that eventful day. Once we arrived on Ulu Langat soil, we were briefed by the lovely Cheng Yee, AFS Alumni Committee President and her equally charming Vice President, Suraya. We started with a few ice breaking games before getting our hands dirty, literally of course. We were divided into groups of five, to scavenge for rubbish. The group with the highest amounts of rubbish would face the promise of a treat from Starbucks.
If I do recall accurately, we spent almost two hours searching high and low for all types of rubbish. Amongst the “treasures” uncovered were the usual plastic bags and plastic bottles, but what proved more surprising were a used up barbeque pit, car tires, stinky socks and the jackpot, soiled diapers collected mainly by the courageous Jon Wern. Judging by the way he collected those diapers fearlessly, proved that he sure is going to make one heck of a loving dad someday. Everyone did a decent job collecting rubbish and by the end of it we had filled out the twenty black huge garbage bags.
We didn’t travel all the way to Ulu Langat to just collect rubbish; we AFSer work hard as well as play hard. So of course we enjoyed a mesmerizing forty five minute hike to the waterfall. At first all I could concentrate on was reaching the waterfall quick enough to avoid being the victim of leeches, but halfway through I looked away from the leeches and fell in love with nature. We were so lucky to be in the very depths of Mother Nature’s territory. We enjoyed a relaxing picnic on the rocks by the waterfall, feasting on sandwiches, “keropok”, cake and fried chicken together with each other’s stories and shared lame jokes.
By the end of it all, we were exhausted but reluctant to leave the once filthily disgusting place. We looked at the twenty black garbage bags brimming with rubbish from our sheer sweat and blood. I mention blood not to be melodramatic ,but blood was involved as several of us couldn’t escape the wraths of those blasted leeches. All in all it was a joyful experience, yet no matter how much fun we had as a team, it saddens me that even today some people can be so ignorant and easily pollute and strip away the beauty and marvels that nature has offered to us. It’s time we made a change.
Written by: Arththi Sathananthar ( Italy IP 05/06 &YES programme 07)
Edited by: Suyin
Photo courtesy of CNU @ cnu-cama.blogspot.com
Saturday, February 20, 2010
You Know You're an Exchange Student When...
You know you're an exchange student when....
1. You ask for some type of food/snack/drink to be care packaged to you as your X-mas present.
2. you classify "doing your homework" as translating half of it. And that alone took three hours.
3. you'll read anything in your native language just to have something to read...even packaging labels.
4. you're better than your teacher in your foreign language class.
5. you've ever mispronounced something in your native language (for example, names of products, TV shows, companies) because you know the others will understand it better if you say it with an accent.
6. after you come back everybody tells you that you have a weird accent.
7. your dreams are bilingual.
8. you automatically use words in a foreign language that you cant even translate but they just seem to fit the context.
9. you begin to enjoy foods that you had previously despised at home.
10. it becomes a habit to introduce yourself by saying: "I am from (country) and my name is (name)."
11. you are always counting the time difference between where you are and home.
12. you always forget the time difference when you call a friend or family member back home.....sorry for waking you up at 4 AM mom.
13. you carry a dictionary and a camera in your bag.
14. you do something wrong and people look at you weird, your excuse is "That's how we do it in my country" even if it isn't.
15. You can sing all the Top 20 songs from your exchange year...even a year later....
16. You get letters and emails in a language that no one else can read.
17. You cringe at the mention of 'baggage weight limit'.
18. You go to school only to do nothing
19. You 'talk' to your pets when you phone home.
20. You watch really stupid television shows late at night, and you stay up late to do so, just because they're in English.
To all our beloved returnees young and not so young anymore *ehem*, we hope this fun post made you smile a little brighter today. (:
Friday, February 19, 2010
Waterfall Postponed
Due to unforeseen circumstances that was inevitably unavoidable, the Waterfall Beautification Volunteer Project has been postponed to 7th March 2010 instead. We apologise for the changes, and do hope that more people will be able to join us in our ventures to help save Mother Nature in the most heroic manner!
Like Captain Planet and his friends:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Waterfall Beautification Volunteer Project
Have you been back to nature lately? Surround yourself with lush greens and the sounds of gushing sparkling waterfall? Give back to Mother Nature?
No? We thought so.
That is why in February, everyone in AFS is invited to our Waterfall Beautification Volunteer Project for some nature appreciation, gotong-royong, and picnic fun at Perdik Falls, Ulu Langat!
Exclusively open only for AFS returnees and volunteers under the AFS Malaysia Alumni project, we decided it's time to branch out in our volunteering and explore something new in our community outreach! It's also an opportunity for all to get to know your recently-appointed AFS Alumni Malaysia Committee Members :)
So what will it be? Read the following for more details!
Perdik Waterfall, Ulu Langat
Date :
21 Feb 2010 (Sunday)
Time :
9:00am to 6:00pm. Meet up at 8:50am.
Attire :
Sportswear and comfortable shoes.
Gathering place :
Taman Jaya LRT where bus will be provided (next to A&W PJ)
Contact person :
Suraya Zainudin
(who says please comment to RSVP or check out our Facebook event page)
Payment :
RM 5 on-the-spot payment to cover transport fees and water only.
Please bring a change of clothes and towel if you plan to "mandi" (bathe) in the waterfall. Don't forget that lunch is POTLUCK style, so bring something nice to share!
Please RSVP as by 17th February (Wednesday) as only 40 spots are open!
annnnnndddd.... in case you're wondering, this is what Perdik Falls look like. Awesome :D

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
German Language Crash Course
Dear all,
Please be reminded that a crash course does not involve any physical collision that will result in damages or pains in any way. Crash courses refers to an activity that will result in the possibility of mental trauma one may suffer from the forceful jamming of incomprehensible information into one's brain in the span of a short period.
Sunday ( 31st January 2010)
2pm - 4pm
RM30 per individual
To be confirmed
Julian Theseira/ Lucas Hornung / Chong Cheng Yee
Interested alumni are also more than welcomed to join if you want to pick up some basic German (:
Monday, January 18, 2010
JENESYS VSscNH09 Post Return Orientation
They spent the two days sharing about their experiences and feedback during the trip, about the places they visited and the sights they saw. Games were also played in between important sessions about understanding the cultural divide of Japan and Malaysia. The chaperons that led the students too gave their two cents about what was good, can be further improved and general opinions about the entire trip. Overall, everyone had very good reports about the trip and were excited to share how the experience had changed their lives and personal outlook on the world.
Lastly, a certificate awarding ceremony took place to acknowledge the success of each participating student for completing the two weeks JENESYS programme to Japan.

*All photos are credited to Marina Abdullah
Toodles~ :D
Friday, January 15, 2010
Pre-Departure Orientation 09
The volunteer facilitators were: Chong Cheng Yee, Chia Suyin, Suraya Zainudin, Edmund Chua, Dexter Yin and Chia Sze Jian.

We held various discussions on many important topics such as how to blend into a new community with minimal culture shock, the importance of being open minded and such. There was room for us volunteers to share our past experiences, as well as room for the participants to express their hopes, dreams and even concerns of what the journey overseas would bring to them and their family. Ultimately, it was important to instill the sense of responsibility as a young Malaysian ambassador into them, and that they understood this was not just a travel program, but a cultural one that will change their lives.
The country orientation took the bulk of the 2nd day. Technically, it was an extended sessions where each volunteer, who was a AFS returnee from a specific country, would speak to the participants who are on their way to the same said coutry. Here volunteers can share specific cultural information and experiences, do's and don't and certain how to's that applies to the country. The participants, eager to know more, would suck the volunteers dry of information with never ending questions!
But of course, it wasn't just all talk and no play. We at AFS knew how to have fun too! We played games and energizers in between sessions, had one too many photo taking moments and even had our traditional lets-cram-into-the-volunteer's-room-and-tell-ghost-stories time. :D
Each participant was also given an AFS bag, the iconic yellow AFS luggage tags and a free "Just Different-lah" t-shirt. Look how happy the girls are with theirs.

All in all, it was a good orientation camp where strong bonds of friendship were fostered, not just within the participating group but also between them and the volunteers. We hope that this camp had served its purpose in better equipping the participants and extinguish most of the myths, uneasiness and unpreparedness that they may have had previously.
Have a safe trip guys!
Oh, and here are more pictures to satisfy your need to see more pictures.

much as compared to the students